Monday, 18 April 2011

Surreal Image Number 2

I thought this task was slightly more harder than the rest of the other tasks. It requires a huge amount of creativity and imagination, which is infuriating if you are lacking it when trying to think of ideas. However, I feel that the idea for this image below simply came by playing around and experimenting, putting images that I had taken specifically for this project with ones that I had taken before from a completely different location, time or event. Below I wanted to see how I drastically I could change the scene from my previous image, yet keeping the main framework of Big Ben and the bridge. I looked through previous photographs I had taken and found some from when it was New Year's Day and I went to Embankment to watch the firework display.

(Aperture: f/4.8, Shutter Speed: 1/40sec, ISO: 400)

(Aperture: f/4.8, Shutter Speed: 1/25sec, ISO: 400)

I really like the second photo and feel the purples will really work well with the yellows of Big Ben, and purple is a complementary colour of yellow/orange. I began playing around on Photoshop, deleting the previous background and replacing it with the fireworks. This worked better than I thought and created a completely different scene to the image taken before. It was so much more alive and colourful, an atmosphere I'm much used to London having.

I then also saw that the time 20:25 wasn't very appropriate for this sort of scene. I obviously imagined it to be 12am which I why I also changed the time of the digital screen to 00.00. After looking at my new scene, I tried to think of even more ways to make it realistic. I thought that if the sky was this illuminated with the pinks and purples, the water below would also be tinted, as well as the buildings as well. I then selected the layer of Big Ben and adjusted the colour variations, increasing the blues and purples to produce I final image I felt was quite successful.

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